Saturday, 23 April 2016

Advertise with us

Kokonsafm is no doubt the fastest growing News platform which posts the latest news,entertainment,comedy ETC.
Are we just bluffing about that first statement?
If you wish to see the kind of information we share and the level of activity on our site, you may begin with our homepage.

What kind of Advertisements Can I Place?

Whatever kind of advert you place on any page on our site, it is important to note that every time that page is loaded, our visitors will see the advert.
We also ensure that our site loads fast enough to ensure that visitors see the ads without compromising their experience.

Most Preferred Placement

While advertising with the most preferred plan on, you get a 300 by 250 px banner ad.

Most Productive Placement

While advertising with the most productive plan on, you get a text advertisement linking your brand at the bottom of every post.

Additional Advertisement Option

While advertising with this plan on kokonsafm, you are entitled to a promoted content or post about your product or brand.

Needed Advertisement Materials:

You will be required to provide us with your advert material (GIF, JPEG or small PNG images) and/or text, depending on your selected package above.

Multiple Selections:

It’s totally acceptable to select more than one option to run different or same banners simultaneously.

Banner Changes:

Changes to your banner can be done anytime, at no extra cost, by sending an email with the attached changes to be made.

Setup Time:

Once payment is made for the slot you choose, your ad can start running same day or at anytime you specify.


At Konkonsa fm, we charge for approximate value delivered. This is highly correlated with traffic on the short run. So when there’s less traffic, you pay less, and when you’re charged more, it will most likely be due to an increase in traffic. However, on the long run, that’s not the only factor we consider. We have developed a robust pricing algorithm to make sure that you will always get what you pay for. .
The pricing is subject to negotiation and depends on your adverting budget and plan.
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Item Reviewed: Advertise with us Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown